The Dragon Tiger game originated in Cambodia is admired by many Asian players, because it has resemblance with Baccarat, as a player doesn’t play against the dealer but rather chooses a hand to bet on. Each Dragon Tiger game is always a thrilling rollercoaster ride emotionally, as every bet depends on the player’s luck.
Our Live version of the game is exactly like a classic Dragon Tiger game. With XPG Dragon Tiger players will experience every high and low of one of the most dynamic casino games – just as they would in a real casino. Familiar table design and full range of side bets, coupled with easy-to-follow interface and genuine appeal of our dealers, make the game authentic and thoroughly enjoyable.
Most players consider that Dragon Tiger is a game based on luck. However, it can also be won via a strategic point of view. The main idea here is making sure that you have an idea of the specific suit that has been dealt more often. Making a calculation on the number of suits dealt and the ones remaining on the deck is crucial to strike a win.